Category: Books
Women, Contracts, Dowries, Murder, and Survival in Early Modern Germany. Or Novel Ideas Better than a Knight with a Working Iron Hand.
As I was researching Gotz von Berlichingen and his hand made of iron in early modern Germany as a potential basis for a novel, I ran into something I found even more interesting: widows clawing back their dowries in order to keep their businesses alive. In much of early modern Germany, woman in many industries…
On Getting an Agent. Or Not. (It’s Gonna Be Not.)
This is mostly a navel gazing post, but I thought some people might find the process and thoughts on it interesting. Or not. I recently sent my fourth completed novel out on query in hopes of attracting an agent. This is the second novel I have attempted to get representation for. The first, got one…
Anxiety as Magic: A Review of Empire of Exiles
I am not precious about spoilers, so while there isn’t anything too detailed below, reader beware. I read about two chapters of Empire of Exiles, by Erin M. Evans, and was afraid I was not going to like it. I primarily purchased the book because I liked the author form a podcast I listened to.…
Only The Ripples: A Review of Terry Pratchett A Life With Footnotes
I am hesitant to write this review. Not because the book is poorly done, or uninteresting, or a hagiography. It is none of those things and is very often their opposite. Rather, I feel like I am writing the worst sort of review. The author, Rob WiIkins, Pratchett’s personal assistant for the last couple of…
Penguin Schuster Merger Defeat a Different Kind of Anti-Trust Win
The department of justice has successfully blocked the merger of two of the big five publishing houses: A federal judge blocked Penguin Random House from buying Simon & Schuster, arguing that the combination of the two book business giants would illegally reduce competition. Judge blocks Penguin Random House’s purchase of Simon & Schuster | CNN…
Polls are Fscking Useless: A Review of Strength In Numbers
G. Elliot Morris would not want me to walk away with the notion that polls are fsking useless after reading Strength in Numbers: How Polls Work and Why We Need Them. Quite the opposite, actually. Morris has written a passionate defense of the polling industry and why we need polls. Unfortunately, it flounders on the…
Book Two: Humane By Samuel Moyn
This book came highly recommended with a lot of blurbs about it making a powerful, thought-provoking argument about the nature of war and American imperialism, and the future of the planet. I wish I had read that book. Instead, I read this thing, which has no real argument that I can find and is completely…
Book One: A Christmas Carol
Tis the season, and all that, so why not start this little exercise with a holiday classic? The first question I always have when reading a classic – i.e., something they made me read in English lit in high school or college – is whether or not the book is worth reading as a book. …